September is
Pet Obesity Awareness
Food is NOT love.
Offering treats to your pet is a common way most pet owners show love, but regular treats can lead to pet obesity. There are healthier approaches to show your pet how much they mean to you. Some healthier approaches can be as simple as time spent outside together playing with toys, walking around the yard, and even a trip to the park. What your pet wants more than treats or food is your time, affection, and attention. Positive reinforcement or rewards such as praise, petting, and play are healthy ways to discourage begging. When pets cry for a treat or food after they have been fed their meal, instead of offering food off your plate or a treat, take them outside for a walk or throw a toy around the house. If your pet primarily receives food rewards instead of your interaction, they begin to rely on food for comfort instead of your touch.
What is Obesity
"Obesity is defined as an accumulation of excess body fat resulting in body weights over 15% of optimum." (,2019)
Exercise is fun!
Regularly exercising your pet is just as important as exercise for you. Unfortunately, just like most of us, putting weight on is much easier then taking weight off. As a pet owner your compliance is essential in helping your pet lose those extra pounds. Prior to starting a weight loss program for your pet, a thorough examination should be done by a veterinarian. Your pet needs at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. While that sounds like a lot, make the exercise fun for you and your pet and not a daily chore. Keep exercise creative!
Ideas for exercising dogs (Always tailor any exercise program to your dog's individual situation and abilities):
Ideas for exercising dogs (Always tailor any exercise program to your dog's individual situation and abilities):
- Explore state parks or trails
- Play with toys
- Go swimming
- Learn new tricks
- Walking or running
- Sign up for obedience/agility/nose work classes
- Move the food/water bowl away from resting areas
Ideas for exercising cats (Always tailor any exercise program to your cat’s individual situation and abilities):
- Move the food/water bowls away from resting areas
- Play with toys
- Learn new tricks
- Try feeding on a higher plane (Cat towers)
- Provide puzzle feeders, handmade or store-bought timed feeders to promote small and frequent meals